Celebrating Doctor’s Day
Heritage of Emerson celebrated Dr.’s Day and Social Services month on Wednesday, March 30th . An Omelet Bar was served in the morning for breakfast and a Pasta Bar at lunch time.
Invitations were sent to the area Social Service coordinators from local clinics and hospitals as well as to the Doctors that service Heritage of Emerson.
Melinda Roland, Dietary Manager, served the “made to order” meal for those invited as well as residents and team members. Fresh fruit, rolls and bread sticks were served with the main dishes.
Dr. Matt Timm, Medical Director for Heritage of Emerson, Stands next to Denise Roeber, Social Services and Melinda Roland, Dietary Manager, with the “Take out” package of pasta.
Just another example of Heritage of Emerson living the “Quality Reputation” vision.
“Quality Reputation”
We will be known for promoting relationships of trust, confidence, and loyalty through the quality of our services, the honesty of our people and involvement in our community.